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Signed-off-by: Matej Focko <>
2024-01-03 19:38:35 +01:00

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id slug title description tags last_update
astar /paths/bf-to-astar/astar A* algorithm Moving from Dijkstra's algorithm into the A* algorithm.
dynamic programming


Let's start by the recap of what we've achieved so far:

  1. We have implemented a naïve brute-force algorithm that tries to relax paths as long as there are any paths to be relaxed.
  2. Then we have fixed an issue caused by negative loops that can result in a non-terminating run of our brute-force method. At this moment we have made some small arguments why are bounding is enough and doesn't prevent any shortest path to not be discovered.
  3. Finally we have converted our bounded brute-force algorithm into the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
  4. We have mentioned the worst-case time complexity of our bounded naïve approach and also the Bellman-Ford algorithm. Our worst-case depended on the fact that we assumed the worst possible ordering of the relaxations. However we could also try to relax in the most ideal ordering which could result in a faster algorithm and that's how we got to the Dijkstra's algorithm.

Now the question is, could we improve the Dijkstra's algorithm to get even better results? And the answer is maybe!

Dijkstra's algorithm chooses the next cheapest vertex for relaxing. This is good as long as there is no additional information. However, imagine a roadmap of some country. If you're in the middle of the map and you want to go south, it doesn't make much sense for you to go to the north (in the opposite direction), but a little bit might make sense, so that you can switch to highway and go much faster.

The important question here is how to influence the algorithm, so that it does choose the path that makes more sense rather than the one that costs the least.

A* description

The A* algorithm can be considered a modification of Dijkstra's algorithm. The cost is still the same, we cannot change it, right? However when we pick the vertices from the heap, we can influence the order by some heuristic. In this case, we introduce a function that can suggest how feasible the vertex is.

Roadmap heuristic

Let's have a look at the heuristic we could use for the roadmap example. There are roads (the edges) and towns (the vertices). Cost could be an average time to travel the road. What heuristic could we use to influence our algorithm to choose a better ordering of the vertices when relaxing?

In the former example we've said that it doesn't make much sense to go in the opposite direction than our goal is… We could choose the distance from our goal as the heuristic, e.g. right now we're 100 km away from our goal, using this road makes us 50 km away and using the other road we will be 200 km away.

Heuristic for our map

Our map is a bit simpler, but we can use a very similar principle. We will use the Manhattan distance, which is defined in a following way:

\vert x_a - x_b \vert + \vert y_a - y_b \vert

Since we cannot move in diagonals, it makes sense to maintain the distance in the actual steps from the goal.

Passing the heuristic

In our case, when we're using C++, we can just template the function that will calculate the shortest path and pass the heuristic as a parameter.


Actual implementation is very easy once we have the Dijkstra's algorithm:

auto astar(const graph& g, const vertex_t& source, const auto& h)
    -> std::vector<std::vector<int>> {
  // make sure that source exists

  // initialize the distances
  std::vector<std::vector<int>> distances(
      g.height(), std::vector(g.width(), graph::unreachable()));

  // initialize the visited
  std::vector<std::vector<bool>> visited(g.height(),
                                         std::vector(g.width(), false));

  // source destination denotes the beginning where the cost is 0
  auto [sx, sy] = source;
  distances[sy][sx] = 0;

  pqueue_t priority_queue{std::make_pair(0 + h(source), source)};
  std::optional<pqueue_item_t> item{};
  while ((item = popq(priority_queue))) {
    auto [cost, u] = *item;
    auto [x, y] = u;

    // we have already found the shortest path
    if (visited[y][x]) {
    visited[y][x] = true;

    for (const auto& [dx, dy] : DIRECTIONS) {
      auto v = std::make_pair(x + dx, y + dy);
      auto cost = g.cost(u, v);

      // if we can move to the cell and it's better, relax¹ it and update queue
      if (cost != graph::unreachable() &&
          distances[y][x] + cost < distances[y + dy][x + dx]) {
        distances[y + dy][x + dx] = distances[y][x] + cost;
              std::make_pair(distances[y + dy][x + dx] + h(v), v));

  return distances;

Running on our map

For this algorithm I will also show the example of a call:

distances = astar(g, std::make_pair(1, 9), [](const auto& u) {
  auto [x, y] = u;
  return std::abs(1 - x) + std::abs(7 - y);
std::cout << "[A*] Cost: " << distances[7][1] << "\n";

First argument to the function is the graph itself. Second argument is the source vertex where we start. And finally the lambda returns Manhattan distance to the goal.

And we get the following result:

Normal cost: 1
Vortex cost: 5
[Finite BF] Cost: 22
[Bellman-Ford] Cost: 22
[Dijkstra] Cost: 22
[A*] Cost: 22


Now you may wonder how does it compare to the previous algorithms. Supposedly it should be faster. Let's add counters and debugging output when we update distance to our goal. And now if we run our code, we get the following output:

Normal cost: 1
Vortex cost: 5
Relaxing path to goal in 40. relaxation
Relaxing path to goal in 68. relaxation
Relaxing path to goal in 89. relaxation
[Finite BF] Cost: 22
Relaxing path to goal in 40. relaxation
Relaxing path to goal in 68. relaxation
Relaxing path to goal in 89. relaxation
[Bellman-Ford] Cost: 22
Relaxing path to goal in 41. iteration
[Dijkstra] Cost: 22
Relaxing path to goal in 31. iteration
[A*] Cost: 22

From the output we can easily deduce that for both brute-force and Bellman-Ford, which are in our case identical, we actually relax three times and for the last time in the 89th iteration.

Dijkstra's algorithm manages to find the shortest path to our goal already in the 41st iteration.

And finally after introducing some heuristic, we could find the shortest path in the 31st iteration.


Please keep in mind that choosing bad heuristic can actually lead to worse results than using no heuristic at all.



And there we have it. We have made our way from the brute-force algorithm all the way to more optimal ones. Hopefully we could notice how the small improvements of the already existing algorithms made them much better.