Matej Focko f2d3c4246e
chore: unify the order of the fonts
When displaying Mermaid diagrams they take the fonts from the Docusaurus
config, since the order was different to the one in the CSS for code, it
was different.

Signed-off-by: Matej Focko <>
2024-02-07 17:35:27 +01:00

286 lines
6.7 KiB

// @ts-check
// Note: type annotations allow type checking and IDEs autocompletion
const { themes } = require("prism-react-renderer");
const lightCodeTheme = themes.oneLight;
const darkCodeTheme = themes.dracula;
const math = require("remark-math");
const katex = require("rehype-katex");
class Docs {
constructor(path, description) {
this.path = path;
this.description = description;
docs() {
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editUrl: "",
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navbar() {
return {
type: "doc",
docId: `${this.path}-intro`,
docsPluginId: this.path,
label: `${this.description}`,
footer() {
return {
label: `${this.description}`,
to: this.path,
const subjects = [
new Docs("algorithms", "Algorithms"),
// new Docs("functional", "Non-imperative programming"),
// new Docs("automata", "Formal languages and automata"),
// new Docs("foundations", "Foundations of programming"),
new Docs("c", "C"),
new Docs("cpp", "C++"),
const fallbackMapping = [
{ new: "algorithms", old: ["ib002"] },
{ new: "functional", old: ["ib015"] },
{ new: "automata", old: ["ib110"] },
{ new: "foundations", old: ["ib111"] },
{ new: "c", old: ["pb071"] },
{ new: "cpp", old: ["pb161"] },
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createRedirects(existingPath) {
for (let mapping of fallbackMapping) {
if (existingPath.includes(`/${}/`)) {
return =>
existingPath.replace(`/${}/`, `/${old}/`),
return undefined; // no redirect created
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title: "mf",
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type: "dropdown",
label: "Additional FI MU materials",
items: => s.navbar()),
to: "contributions",
label: "Contributions",
to: "talks",
label: "Talks",
to: "blog",
position: "right",
label: "Blog",
footer: {
style: "dark",
copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Matej Focko.`,
links: [
title: "Git",
items: [
label: "GitHub",
href: "",
label: "GitLab",
href: "",
label: "Gitea (self-hosted)",
href: "",
title: "Social #1",
items: [
label: "LinkedIn",
href: "",
label: "Fosstodon",
href: "",
label: "",
href: "",
title: "Social #2",
items: [
label: "Twitter",
href: "",
label: "Twitch",
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label: "Ko-fi",
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theme: lightCodeTheme,
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docs: {
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hideable: true,
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"'JetBrains Mono', 'Cascadia Code PL', 'Iosevka', 'Fira Code', 'Hack', monospace",
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// Public API key: it is safe to commit it
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