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"use strict";(self.webpackChunkfi=self.webpackChunkfi||[]).push([[866],{24612:e=>{e.exports=JSON.parse('{"blogPosts":[{"id":"/2024/01/28/rust-opinion","metadata":{"permalink":"/blog/2024/01/28/rust-opinion","editUrl":"","source":"@site/blog/","title":"Mixed feelings on Rust","description":"Discussing my mixed feelings about the Rust language.\\n","date":"2024-01-28T00:00:00.000Z","formattedDate":"January 28, 2024","tags":[{"label":"rust","permalink":"/blog/tags/rust"},{"label":"memory safety","permalink":"/blog/tags/memory-safety"},{"label":"cult","permalink":"/blog/tags/cult"},{"label":"hype","permalink":"/blog/tags/hype"}],"readingTime":15.395,"hasTruncateMarker":true,"authors":[{"name":"Matej Focko","email":"","title":"a.k.a. passionate language hater","url":"","imageURL":"","key":"mf"}],"frontMatter":{"title":"Mixed feelings on Rust","description":"Discussing my mixed feelings about the Rust language.\\n","date":"2024-01-28T00:00:00.000Z","authors":[{"key":"mf","title":"a.k.a. passionate language hater"}],"tags":["rust","memory safety","cult","hype"],"hide_table_of_contents":false},"unlisted":false,"nextItem":{"title":"How can Copr help with broken dependencies","permalink":"/blog/2023/08/02/copr"}},"content":"Rust has become a rather popular language these days. I\'ve managed to get my\\nhands dirty with it during _[Advent of Code]_ \u201822 and partially \u201823. I\'ve also\\nused it for few rounds of _[Codeforces]_ and I have to try very hard to maintain\\nsome variety of languages for LeetCode challenges along with the Rust. I\'ll\\ndisclaim up front that I won\'t be only positive, since this post is a result of\\nmultiple discussions about Rust and I stand by\\n_\u201cAll that glitters is not gold\u201d_, so if you can\'t stand your favorite language\\nbeing criticized in any way, don\'t even proceed. :wink:\\n\\n\x3c!--truncate--\x3e\\n\\n## Memory safety\\n\\nI\'ll start by kicking the biggest benefit of the language, the memory safety.\\nLet\'s be honest here, majority of the checks rely on the static analysis, cause\\nyou can\'t do anything else during the compile-time, right? Therefore we can\\nbasically say that we are relying on the compiler to \u201csolve\u201d all of our issues.\\n\\n:::warning\\n\\nI\'m not doubting the fact that compiler can prevent **a lot** of the memory\\nerrors, I\'m just saying it\'s not realistic to cover **everything**.\\n\\n:::\\n\\n### Compiler\\n\\nI guess we can safely[^2] agree on the fact that we 100% rely on the compiler to\\n_have our back_. Is the compiler bug-free? I doubt it. This is not meant in an\\noffensive way to the Rust compiler developers, but we need to be realistic here.\\nIt\'s a compiler, even older and larger projects like _gcc_ or _llvm_ can\'t avoid\\nbugs to appear.\\n\\nWhen I was trying out Rust for some of the LeetCode challenges I\'ve stumbled\\nupon the following warning:\\n![Example of a compiler bug](\\n\\n:::danger [Issue](\\n\\nThe issue here comes from the fact that we have 2 simultaneous references to the\\nsame memory (one is mutable and one immutable). If you cannot think of any way\\nthis can break, I\'ll give you a rather simple example from C++ where this could\\ncause an issue.\\n\\nImagine a function that has some complex object and also calls a coroutine which\\nutilizes read-only reference to that object. When the coroutine suspends, the\\ncaller can modify the object. This can break the integrity of data read by the\\ncoroutine.\\n\\n- Yes, this **can** cause a memory error.\\n- Yes, this **hasn\'t** been handled until someone noticed it.\\n\\nFixing this bug is not backwards compatible, cause you\'re covering a case that\\nhasn\'t been covered before.\\n\\n:::\\n\\n### Enforcing the safety\\n\\nOne of the ways Rust enforces the safety is by restricting what you can do, like\\nthe exa