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"use strict";(self.webpackChunkfi=self.webpackChunkfi||[]).push([[866],{24612:e=>{e.exports=JSON.parse('{"blogPosts":[{"id":"/2024/06/19/devconf-2024","metadata":{"permalink":"/blog/2024/06/19/devconf-2024","editUrl":"","source":"@site/blog/","title":" 2024","description":"Sharing my experience on 2024.\\n","date":"2024-06-19T00:00:00.000Z","formattedDate":"June 19, 2024","tags":[{"label":"\ud83c\udfed","permalink":"/blog/tags/\ud83c\udfed"},{"label":"red-hat","permalink":"/blog/tags/red-hat"},{"label":"fedora","permalink":"/blog/tags/fedora"},{"label":"devconf","permalink":"/blog/tags/devconf"},{"label":"conferences","permalink":"/blog/tags/conferences"}],"readingTime":5.36,"hasTruncateMarker":true,"authors":[{"name":"Matej Focko","email":"","title":"a.k.a. exhausted DevConf attendee","url":"","imageURL":"","key":"mf"}],"frontMatter":{"title":" 2024","description":"Sharing my experience on 2024.\\n","date":"2024-06-19T00:00:00.000Z","authors":[{"key":"mf","title":"a.k.a. exhausted DevConf attendee"}],"tags":["\ud83c\udfed","red-hat","fedora","devconf","conferences"]},"unlisted":false,"nextItem":{"title":"LTS distributions","permalink":"/blog/2024/02/07/lts-distros"}},"content":"I\'d like to share my experience and views on some of the talks that I\'ve\\nattended on the 2024.\\n\\n\x3c!--truncate--\x3e\\n\\n## Day 1\\n\\nLet\'s start with the first day which was Thursday this year as opposed to the\\nprevious years when the conference started on Friday and finished on Sunday.\\n\\nLet\'s start with the _[keynote]_. The keynote wasn\'t very interesting, at some of\\nthe slides actually felt like advertisement for other talks on the topic of the\\nAI\u2026\\n\\nNext talk about _[event-driven Ansible]_ was way more interesting. It allows you\\nto run Ansible playbooks after provisioning hosts, or on certain events, such as\\ndiscovered vulnerabilities. On one hand it feels like a very nice thing, but on\\nthe other one I can\'t help but to think how you need to write the playbooks, so\\nthat they are generic enough. One more example that\'s been given comes from the\\npossibility to react to tickets, e.g., outages and this feels like something\\nthat could be abused to cause DoS.\\n\\nAfterwards we\'ve seen two lightning talks, one about\\n_[choosing the right OpenShift size]_ which was a pretty quick, but listed all\\nof the possible ways you can deploy OpenShift in detail. This lightning talk\\nwas followed by the first AI (lightning) talk I\'ve attended about\\n_[rapid prototyping]_ of the open-source AI models.\\n\\nAs someone who\'s involved in the automation of the RPM packaging and testing, of\\ncourse, we had to attend _[Learning from Nix]_. Nix has a very intriguing\\nconcept which is pretty powerful, but painful at the same time. This can be\\nsummed up pretty nicely by [Tsoding] who got asked about some tips & tricks for\\nsomeone who wants to try out NixOS:\\n\\n> Just don\'t.\\n\\nAnd now we\'re moving into a section where everything revolves about the Packit\\nTeam :)\\n\\nFirst talk about _[changelogs]_ was an interactive session that was (probably)\\nmeant to share different approaches we take to handle this rather convoluted\\ntopic that involves changelogs on both upstream and also on downstream with no\\nrules[^1].\\n\\n![changelogs](\\n\\nNext one was about _[static analysis]_ done by [OpenScanHub]. I like the idea of\\nrunning the static analysis that can uncover nasty bugs (as it has been even\\nshowed in the talk) at the same time as they are introduced. I gotta admit that\\nafter seeing the UI of the [deployed OpenScanHub] on the Fedora Infra, I couldn\'t\\nhelp but to think about the [United States Graphics Company] :smile: The UI is\\nto the point, no fancy annoying shit, you get what you need, it\'s hard to get\\nlost. **Just simplicity.** Best k