Matej Focko a11b009120
chore: rename ‹editor› group of roles
Signed-off-by: Matej Focko <>
2024-12-12 16:08:45 +01:00

158 lines
5.6 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

"editor.cursorBlinking": "phase",
"editor.cursorStyle": "line",
"editor.fontLigatures": true,
// "editor.fontFamily": "Berkeley Mono Variable",
// "editor.fontLigatures": "'ss01' off, 'ss02' on, 'ss03' off, 'ss04' off, 'ss05' off",
"editor.fontFamily": "Cascadia Code NF",
"editor.fontWeight": 350,
"editor.fontLigatures": "'ss01' off, 'zero' off", // italics for Cascadia Code
// "editor.fontFamily": "Comic Code Ligatures",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Courier Prime",
// "editor.fontFamily": "CozetteVector",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Fira Code",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Hack",
// "editor.fontFamily": "IBM Plex Mono",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Inconsolata",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Input Mono",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Input Mono Narrow",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Input Mono Condensed",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Input Mono Compressed",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Iosevka Term",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Iosevka Term Extended",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Iosevka Term Slab",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Iosevka Term Slab Extended",
// "editor.fontLigatures": "'ss15'",
// Iosevka SSs
// 01 - Andale Mono 02 - Anonymous Pro 03 - Consolas
// 04 - Menlo 05 - Fira Mono 06 - Liberation Mono
// 07 - Monaco 08 - Pragmasevka 09 - Source Code Pro
// 10 - Envy Code R 11 - X Window 12 - Ubuntu Mono
// 13 - Lucida 14 - JetBrains Mono 15 - IBM Plex Mono
// 16 - PT Mono 17 - Recursive Mono 18 - Input Mono
// 20 - Curly
// "editor.fontFamily": "Iosevka Comfy",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Iosevka Comfy Motion",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Iosevka Comfy Wide",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Iosevka Mornfall",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Pragmasevka",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Zed Mono",
// "editor.fontFamily": "JetBrains Mono",
// "editor.fontWeight": 350,
// "editor.fontLigatures": "'ss02'",
// "editor.fontFamily": "JuliaMono",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Monaspace Neon",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Monaspace Argon",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Monaspace Xenon",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Monaspace Radon",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Monaspace Krypton",
// "editor.fontLigatures": "'calt', 'liga', 'dlig'",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Monocraft Nerd Font",
// "editor.fontFamily": "MonoLisa Variable",
// "editor.fontWeight": 350,
// "editor.fontLigatures": "'ss02' off, 'ss03' off, 'ss04' on, 'ss17' on, 'ss18' off",
// "editor.lineHeight": 0,
// MonoLisa SSs
// zero - slashed zero 0
// ss01 - normal asterisk *
// ss02 - script variant
// ss03, ss04 - alt g g
// ss05 - alt sharp s ß
// ss06, ss18 - alt @ @
// ss07 - alt {} { }
// ss08 - alt () ( )
// ss09, ss10 - alt >= <= liga >=
// ss11 - hexadecimal multiply sign 0xF
// ss12 - thin backslash \\
// ss13 - alt $ $
// ss14 - alt & &
// ss15 - alt i i
// ss16 - alt r r
// ss17 - alt .= and ..= ..=
// "editor.fontFamily": "PragmataPro",
// "editor.fontFamily": "PragmataPro Mono",
// "editor.fontFamily": "PragmataPro Liga",
// "editor.fontFamily": "PragmataPro Mono Liga",
// "editor.fontLigatures": "'ss14' on",
// Pragmata SSs
// ss03 - Fraktur
// ss04 - Fraktur Bold
// ss05 - Poker
// ss06 - Script
// ss07 - Script Bold
// ss08 - Serif Bold
// ss09 - Serif Italic
// ss10 - Serif Bold Italic
// ss11 - Braille
// ss13 - git lines
// ss12 - Discretionary ligatures
// ss14 - pre2020 style
// "editor.fontFamily": "Rec Mono Linear",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Roboto Mono",
// "editor.fontFamily": "SF Mono",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Source Code Pro",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Sudo",
// "editor.fontFamily": "Victor Mono",
// "editor.fontWeight": 450,
"editor.fontSize": 18,
"editor.lineHeight": 21,
// "editor.fontVariations": true,
"editor.inlayHints.fontSize": 12,
"terminal.integrated.fontSize": 15,
"editor.lineNumbers": "relative",
// "editor.minimap.enabled": false,
"editor.minimap.maxColumn": 80,
"editor.renderWhitespace": "all",
"editor.rulers": [80, 100],
// "git.autofetch": true,
"window.menuBarVisibility": "toggle",
"window.titleBarStyle": "custom",
"workbench.settings.editor": "json",
"workbench.editor.showTabs": "multiple",
"editor.guides.indentation": true,
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": true,
"[typescript]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "denoland.vscode-deno"
"": {
"window.zoomLevel": 2.5
"dev.containers.dockerComposePath": "podman-compose",
"dev.containers.dockerPath": "podman",
"diffEditor.renderSideBySide": false,
"notebook.lineNumbers": "on",
"jupyter.askForKernelRestart": false,
"terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled": false,
"window.zoomLevel": 0.5,
"window.density.editorTabHeight": "compact",
"workbench.preferredLightColorTheme": "Night Owl Light",
"workbench.preferredDarkColorTheme": "Dracula",
"workbench.activityBar.location": "top",
"window.customTitleBarVisibility": "auto",
"workbench.colorTheme": "Dracula",
"zig.path": "~/.zig/zig",
"zig.zls.path": "/home/mfocko/.config/Code - Insiders/User/globalStorage/ziglang.vscode-zig/zls_install/zls",
"zig.initialSetupDone": true