feat(user/kitty): add color schemes

Signed-off-by: Matej Focko <me@mfocko.xyz>
This commit is contained in:
Matej Focko 2024-07-07 17:44:00 +02:00
parent 5a7214989b
commit 6701783d72
Signed by: mfocko
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:5YXD7WbPuK60gxnG6DjAwJiS9+swoWj33/HFu8g8JVo
18 changed files with 656 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# vim:ft=kitty
## name: Dracula
## author: Keegan Carruthers-Smith
## license: MIT
## upstream: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dracula/kitty/master/dracula.conf
foreground #f8f8f2
background #07080a
selection_foreground #ffffff
selection_background #44475a
url_color #8be9fd
color0 #21222c
color8 #6272a4
color1 #ff5555
color9 #ff6e6e
color2 #50fa7b
color10 #69ff94
color3 #f1fa8c
color11 #ffffa5
color4 #bd93f9
color12 #d6acff
color5 #ff79c6
color13 #ff92df
color6 #8be9fd
color14 #a4ffff
color7 #f8f8f2
color15 #ffffff
cursor #f8f8f2
cursor_text_color background
active_tab_foreground #07080a
active_tab_background #f8f8f2
inactive_tab_foreground #07080a
inactive_tab_background #6272a4
mark1_foreground #07080a
mark1_background #ff5555

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
## name: Gruvbox Dark Hard
## author: Pavel Pertsev
## license: MIT/X11
## upstream: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gruvbox-community/gruvbox-contrib/master/kitty/gruvbox-dark-hard.conf
selection_foreground #ebdbb2
selection_background #d65d0e
background #000000
foreground #ebdbb2
color0 #3c3836
color1 #cc241d
color2 #98971a
color3 #d79921
color4 #458588
color5 #b16286
color6 #689d6a
color7 #a89984
color8 #928374
color9 #fb4934
color10 #b8bb26
color11 #fabd2f
color12 #83a598
color13 #d3869b
color14 #8ec07c
color15 #fbf1c7
cursor #bdae93
cursor_text_color #665c54
url_color #458588

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# vim:ft=kitty
## name: OneDark-Pro
## author: VictorPL (https://github.com/VictorPLopes)
## license: MIT
## upstream: https://github.com/VictorPLopes/OneDark-Pro-Kitty-Terminal/blob/main/kitty-themes/OneDark-Pro.conf
## blurb: Kitty theme inspired by Binaryify's One Dark Pro theme for Visual Studio Code.
# Colors
# The basic colors
foreground #ABB2BF
background #000000
selection_foreground #000000
selection_background #ABB2BF
# Cursor colors
cursor #ABB2BF
cursor_text_color #000000
# URL underline color when hovering with mouse
url_color #ABB2BF
# Tab bar colors
active_tab_foreground #3F4451
active_tab_background #D7DAE0
inactive_tab_foreground #ABB2BF
inactive_tab_background #000000
# The 16 terminal colors
# black
color0 #3F4451
color8 #4F5666
# red
color1 #E06C75
color9 #BE5046
# green
color2 #98C379
color10 #A5E075
# yellow
color3 #D19A66
color11 #E5C07B
# blue
color4 #61AFEF
color12 #4DC4FF
# purple
color5 #C678DD
color13 #DE73FF
# cyan
color6 #56B6C2
color14 #4CD1E0
# white
color7 #D7DAE0
color15 #E6E6E6

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# vim:ft=kitty
## name: Solarized Dark
## author: Ethan Schoonover
## license: MIT
## blurb: Precision colors for machines and people
background #002b36
foreground #839496
cursor #708183
selection_background #073642
color0 #002731
color8 #001e26
color1 #d01b24
color9 #bd3612
color2 #728905
color10 #465a61
color3 #a57705
color11 #52676f
color4 #2075c7
color12 #708183
color5 #c61b6e
color13 #5856b9
color6 #259185
color14 #81908f
color7 #e9e2cb
color15 #fcf4dc
selection_foreground #93a1a1

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# vim:ft=kitty
## name: Tokyo Night
## license: MIT
## author: Folke Lemaitre
## upstream: https://github.com/folke/tokyonight.nvim/raw/main/extras/kitty/tokyonight_night.conf
background #000000
foreground #c0caf5
selection_background #283457
selection_foreground #c0caf5
url_color #73daca
cursor #c0caf5
cursor_text_color #000000
# Tabs
active_tab_background #7aa2f7
active_tab_foreground #16161e
inactive_tab_background #292e42
inactive_tab_foreground #545c7e
#tab_bar_background #15161e
# Windows
active_border_color #7aa2f7
inactive_border_color #292e42
# normal
color0 #15161e
color1 #f7768e
color2 #9ece6a
color3 #e0af68
color4 #7aa2f7
color5 #bb9af7
color6 #7dcfff
color7 #a9b1d6
# bright
color8 #414868
color9 #f7768e
color10 #9ece6a
color11 #e0af68
color12 #7aa2f7
color13 #bb9af7
color14 #7dcfff
color15 #c0caf5
# extended colors
color16 #ff9e64
color17 #db4b4b

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Monokai Classic
foreground: "#fdfff1"
background: "#3b3c35"
black: "#3b3c35"
blue: "#fd971f"
cyan: "#66d9ef"
green: "#a6e22e"
magenta: "#ae81ff"
red: "#f92672"
white: "#fdfff1"
yellow: "#e6db74"
black: "#6e7066"
blue: "#fd971f"
cyan: "#66d9ef"
green: "#a6e22e"
magenta: "#ae81ff"
red: "#f92672"
white: "#fdfff1"
yellow: "#e6db74"

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Monokai Pro
foreground: "#fcfcfa"
background: "#403e41"
black: "#403e41"
blue: "#fc9867"
cyan: "#78dce8"
green: "#a9dc76"
magenta: "#ab9df2"
red: "#ff6188"
white: "#fcfcfa"
yellow: "#ffd866"
black: "#727072"
blue: "#fc9867"
cyan: "#78dce8"
green: "#a9dc76"
magenta: "#ab9df2"
red: "#ff6188"
white: "#fcfcfa"
yellow: "#ffd866"

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Monokai Pro (Filter Machine)
foreground: "#f2fffc"
background: "#3a4449"
black: "#3a4449"
blue: "#ffb270"
cyan: "#7cd5f1"
green: "#a2e57b"
magenta: "#baa0f8"
red: "#ff6d7e"
white: "#f2fffc"
yellow: "#ffed72"
black: "#6b7678"
blue: "#ffb270"
cyan: "#7cd5f1"
green: "#a2e57b"
magenta: "#baa0f8"
red: "#ff6d7e"
white: "#f2fffc"
yellow: "#ffed72"

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Monokai Pro (Filter Octagon)
foreground: "#eaf2f1"
background: "#3a3d4b"
black: "#3a3d4b"
blue: "#ff9b5e"
cyan: "#9cd1bb"
green: "#bad761"
magenta: "#c39ac9"
red: "#ff657a"
white: "#eaf2f1"
yellow: "#ffd76d"
black: "#696d77"
blue: "#ff9b5e"
cyan: "#9cd1bb"
green: "#bad761"
magenta: "#c39ac9"
red: "#ff657a"
white: "#eaf2f1"
yellow: "#ffd76d"

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Monokai Pro (Filter Ristretto)
foreground: "#fff1f3"
background: "#403838"
black: "#403838"
blue: "#f38d70"
cyan: "#85dacc"
green: "#adda78"
magenta: "#a8a9eb"
red: "#fd6883"
white: "#fff1f3"
yellow: "#f9cc6c"
black: "#72696a"
blue: "#f38d70"
cyan: "#85dacc"
green: "#adda78"
magenta: "#a8a9eb"
red: "#fd6883"
white: "#fff1f3"
yellow: "#f9cc6c"

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Monokai Pro (Filter Spectrum)
foreground: "#f7f1ff"
background: "#363537"
black: "#363537"
blue: "#fd9353"
cyan: "#5ad4e6"
green: "#7bd88f"
magenta: "#948ae3"
red: "#fc618d"
white: "#f7f1ff"
yellow: "#fce566"
black: "#69676c"
blue: "#fd9353"
cyan: "#5ad4e6"
green: "#7bd88f"
magenta: "#948ae3"
red: "#fc618d"
white: "#f7f1ff"
yellow: "#fce566"

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
background #161616
foreground #ffffff
color0 #161616
color1 #78a9ff
color2 #ff7eb6
color3 #42be65
color4 #08bdba
color5 #be95ff
color6 #33b1ff
color7 #dde1e6
color8 #525252
color9 #78a9ff
color10 #ff7eb6
color11 #42be65
color12 #3ddbd9
color13 #82cfff
color14 #33b1ff
color15 #ffffff
# base dark: #000000
# base blend: #131313
# base IBM: #0f62f3

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
background #f2f4f8
foreground #525252
color0 #f2f4f8
color1 #0f62fe
color2 #673ab7
color3 #42be65
color4 #08bdba
color5 #be95ff
color6 #ee5396
color7 #262626
color8 #161616
color9 #0f62fe
color10 #673ab7
color11 #42be65
color12 #ff7eb6
color13 #37474f
color14 #ee5396
color15 #525252
# base dark: #ffffff
# base blend: #fafafa
# base IBM: #0f62fe

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# vim:ft=kitty
## name: Tokyo Night Moon
## license: MIT
## author: Folke Lemaitre
## upstream: https://github.com/folke/tokyonight.nvim/raw/main/extras/kitty/tokyonight_moon.conf
background #222436
foreground #c8d3f5
selection_background #2d3f76
selection_foreground #c8d3f5
url_color #4fd6be
cursor #c8d3f5
cursor_text_color #222436
# Tabs
active_tab_background #82aaff
active_tab_foreground #1e2030
inactive_tab_background #2f334d
inactive_tab_foreground #545c7e
#tab_bar_background #1b1d2b
# Windows
active_border_color #82aaff
inactive_border_color #2f334d
# normal
color0 #1b1d2b
color1 #ff757f
color2 #c3e88d
color3 #ffc777
color4 #82aaff
color5 #c099ff
color6 #86e1fc
color7 #828bb8
# bright
color8 #444a73
color9 #ff757f
color10 #c3e88d
color11 #ffc777
color12 #82aaff
color13 #c099ff
color14 #86e1fc
color15 #c8d3f5
# extended colors
color16 #ff966c
color17 #c53b53

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# vim:ft=kitty
## name: Tokyo Night Day
## license: MIT
## author: Folke Lemaitre
## upstream: https://github.com/folke/tokyonight.nvim/raw/main/extras/kitty/tokyonight_day.conf
background #e1e2e7
foreground #3760bf
selection_background #b6bfe2
selection_foreground #3760bf
url_color #387068
cursor #3760bf
cursor_text_color #e1e2e7
# Tabs
active_tab_background #2e7de9
active_tab_foreground #e9e9ec
inactive_tab_background #c4c8da
inactive_tab_foreground #8990b3
#tab_bar_background #e9e9ed
# Windows
active_border_color #2e7de9
inactive_border_color #c4c8da
# normal
color0 #e9e9ed
color1 #f52a65
color2 #587539
color3 #8c6c3e
color4 #2e7de9
color5 #9854f1
color6 #007197
color7 #6172b0
# bright
color8 #a1a6c5
color9 #f52a65
color10 #587539
color11 #8c6c3e
color12 #2e7de9
color13 #9854f1
color14 #007197
color15 #3760bf
# extended colors
color16 #b15c00
color17 #c64343

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# vim:ft=kitty
## name: Tokyo Night Moon
## license: MIT
## author: Folke Lemaitre
## upstream: https://github.com/folke/tokyonight.nvim/raw/main/extras/kitty/tokyonight_moon.conf
background #222436
foreground #c8d3f5
selection_background #2d3f76
selection_foreground #c8d3f5
url_color #4fd6be
cursor #c8d3f5
cursor_text_color #222436
# Tabs
active_tab_background #82aaff
active_tab_foreground #1e2030
inactive_tab_background #2f334d
inactive_tab_foreground #545c7e
#tab_bar_background #1b1d2b
# Windows
active_border_color #82aaff
inactive_border_color #2f334d
# normal
color0 #1b1d2b
color1 #ff757f
color2 #c3e88d
color3 #ffc777
color4 #82aaff
color5 #c099ff
color6 #86e1fc
color7 #828bb8
# bright
color8 #444a73
color9 #ff757f
color10 #c3e88d
color11 #ffc777
color12 #82aaff
color13 #c099ff
color14 #86e1fc
color15 #c8d3f5
# extended colors
color16 #ff966c
color17 #c53b53

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# vim:ft=kitty
## name: Tokyo Night
## license: MIT
## author: Folke Lemaitre
## upstream: https://github.com/folke/tokyonight.nvim/raw/main/extras/kitty/tokyonight_night.conf
background #1a1b26
foreground #c0caf5
selection_background #283457
selection_foreground #c0caf5
url_color #73daca
cursor #c0caf5
cursor_text_color #1a1b26
# Tabs
active_tab_background #7aa2f7
active_tab_foreground #16161e
inactive_tab_background #292e42
inactive_tab_foreground #545c7e
#tab_bar_background #15161e
# Windows
active_border_color #7aa2f7
inactive_border_color #292e42
# normal
color0 #15161e
color1 #f7768e
color2 #9ece6a
color3 #e0af68
color4 #7aa2f7
color5 #bb9af7
color6 #7dcfff
color7 #a9b1d6
# bright
color8 #414868
color9 #f7768e
color10 #9ece6a
color11 #e0af68
color12 #7aa2f7
color13 #bb9af7
color14 #7dcfff
color15 #c0caf5
# extended colors
color16 #ff9e64
color17 #db4b4b

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# vim:ft=kitty
## name: Tokyo Night Storm
## license: MIT
## author: Folke Lemaitre
## upstream: https://github.com/folke/tokyonight.nvim/raw/main/extras/kitty/tokyonight_storm.conf
background #24283b
foreground #c0caf5
selection_background #2e3c64
selection_foreground #c0caf5
url_color #73daca
cursor #c0caf5
cursor_text_color #24283b
# Tabs
active_tab_background #7aa2f7
active_tab_foreground #1f2335
inactive_tab_background #292e42
inactive_tab_foreground #545c7e
#tab_bar_background #1d202f
# Windows
active_border_color #7aa2f7
inactive_border_color #292e42
# normal
color0 #1d202f
color1 #f7768e
color2 #9ece6a
color3 #e0af68
color4 #7aa2f7
color5 #bb9af7
color6 #7dcfff
color7 #a9b1d6
# bright
color8 #414868
color9 #f7768e
color10 #9ece6a
color11 #e0af68
color12 #7aa2f7
color13 #bb9af7
color14 #7dcfff
color15 #c0caf5
# extended colors
color16 #ff9e64
color17 #db4b4b