Fork 0
mirror of https://gitlab.com/mfocko/CodeWars.git synced 2024-09-19 14:16:55 +02:00

142 lines
3.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <cassert>
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace {
int convert_column(char x) { return x - 'a'; }
int convert_row(char y) { return y - '1'; }
template <typename T> bool in_range(const T &x, const T &min, const T &max) {
return min <= x && x < max;
template <typename T> using table_t = std::vector<std::vector<T>>;
static const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> dpos{
{-2, 1}, {-2, -1}, {-1, 2}, {-1, -2}, {1, 2}, {1, -2}, {2, 1}, {2, -1}};
static const int dpos_size = static_cast<int>(dpos.size());
class position_t;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const position_t &pos);
class position_t {
int _x, _y;
position_t(int x, int y) : _x(x), _y(y) {}
position_t(const std::pair<int, int> &coords)
: _x(coords.first), _y(coords.second) {}
position_t(const std::string &position)
: _x(convert_column(position[0])), _y(convert_row(position[1])) {}
int x() const { return _x; }
int y() const { return _y; }
bool in_bounds() const { return in_range(_x, 0, 8) && in_range(_y, 0, 8); }
template <typename T> T &in(table_t<T> &table) const { return table[_y][_x]; }
bool operator==(const position_t &other) const {
return _x == other._x && _y == other._y;
bool operator!=(const position_t &other) const {
return _x != other._x || _y != other._y;
position_t operator+(const position_t &other) const {
return {_x + other._x, _y + other._y};
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const position_t &pos) {
stream << static_cast<char>('a' + pos.x())
<< static_cast<char>('1' + pos.y());
return stream;
class adjacent_iterator {
const position_t pos;
int i;
position_t position() const { return pos + position_t(dpos[i]); }
adjacent_iterator &next() {
do {
} while (i < dpos_size && !position().in_bounds());
return *this;
adjacent_iterator(position_t pos) : pos(pos), i(-1) { next(); }
adjacent_iterator(position_t pos, int i) : pos(pos), i(i) {}
bool operator!=(const adjacent_iterator &other) const {
return pos != other.pos || i != other.i;
adjacent_iterator &operator++() { return next(); }
position_t operator*() const { return position(); }
class adjacent {
const position_t &pos;
adjacent(const position_t &pos) : pos(pos) {}
adjacent_iterator begin() const { return {pos}; }
adjacent_iterator end() const { return {pos, dpos_size}; }
} // namespace
int knight(std::string start, std::string finish) {
position_t src(start);
position_t dst(finish);
// construct table
table_t<int> distances(8, std::vector<int>(8, -1));
src.in(distances) = 0;
// run BFS and break once finish is found
std::deque<position_t> queue{src};
while (!queue.empty()) {
position_t pos = queue.front();
int current_distance = pos.in(distances);
for (const auto &next_pos : adjacent(pos)) {
next_pos.in(distances) = current_distance + 1;
if (next_pos == dst) {
// We have just set distance to the seeked position
// return the distance to finish
return dst.in(distances);
int main() {
// position_t p("b8");
// std::cout << "Constructed from string: " << p << "\n";
// std::cout << "===adjacent===\n";
// for (auto pos : adjacent(p)) {
// std::cout << pos << "\n";
// }
assert(knight("a1", "c1") == 2);
assert(knight("a1", "f1") == 3);
assert(knight("a1", "f3") == 3);
assert(knight("a1", "f4") == 4);
assert(knight("a1", "f7") == 5);
return 0;