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RNDr. Ivana Černá, CSc.}, title = {Rank-Balanced Trees}, TeXtitle = {Rank-Balanced Trees}, keywords = {algorithms, data structures, rank, trees, balanced trees, study material, visualization, AVL, WAVL}, TeXkeywords = {algorithms, data structures, rank, trees, balanced trees, study material, visualization, AVL, WAVL}, abstract = {% In this bachelor thesis, we demonstrate the usage of a rank for implementing balanced binary search trees and algorithms related to a specific rank-balanced tree, the weak AVL tree. In the first part of the thesis, we present commonly used balanced search trees. In the second part, we describe the rank-balanced tree, followed by a comparison to other balanced trees that can be implemented using rank, and also diagrams and pseudocodes related to the weak AVL tree. We also present an implementation of the weak AVL tree in Python, tested with property-based testing. The final part of the thesis is a web page that allows performing operations on the weak AVL tree with animations and a step-by-step walkthrough of pseudocode. }, thanks = {% \textit{TBD} }, bib = bibliography.bib, %% Uncomment the following line (by removing the %% at the %% beginning) and replace `assignment.pdf` with the filename %% of your scanned thesis assignment. %% assignment = assignment.pdf, } \usepackage{makeidx} %% The `makeidx` package contains \makeindex %% helper commands for index typesetting. %% These additional packages are used within the document: \usepackage{paralist} %% Compact list environments \usepackage{amsmath} %% Mathematics \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{url} %% Hyperlinks \usepackage{tabularx} %% Tables \usepackage{tabu} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage[vlined,longend,linesnumbered]{algorithm2e} \usepackage{listings} %% Source code highlighting \lstset{ basicstyle = \ttfamily, identifierstyle = \color{black}, keywordstyle = \color{blue}, keywordstyle = {[2]\color{cyan}}, keywordstyle = {[3]\color{olive}}, stringstyle = \color{teal}, commentstyle = \itshape\color{magenta}, breaklines = true, } \usepackage{floatrow} %% Putting captions above tables \floatsetup[table]{capposition=top} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage[x11names, svgnames, rgb]{xcolor} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{decorations,arrows,shapes} \SetKwProg{Fn}{function}{ is}{end} \SetKwProg{Proc}{procedure}{ is}{end} \newcommand{\avlDeleteRebalance}{\hyperref[algorithm:avl:deleteRebalance]{\texttt{deleteRebalance}}} \newcommand{\avlDeleteFixNode}{\hyperref[algorithm:avl:deleteFixNode]{\texttt{deleteFixNode}}} \newcommand{\avlDeleteRotate}{\hyperref[algorithm:avl:deleteRotate]{\texttt{deleteRotate}}} \newcommand{\findParentNode}{\hyperref[algorithm:findParentNode]{\texttt{findParentNode}}} \newcommand{\wavlInsertRebalance}{\hyperref[algorithm:wavl:insertRebalance]{\texttt{insertRebalance}}} \newcommand{\wavlFixZeroChild}{\hyperref[algorithm:wavl:fix0Child]{\texttt{fix0Child}}} \newcommand{\wavlDeleteRebalance}{\hyperref[algorithm:wavl:deleteRebalance]{\texttt{deleteRebalance}}} \newcommand{\wavlBottomUpDelete}{\hyperref[algorithm:wavl:bottomUpDelete]{\texttt{bottomUpDelete}}} \newcommand{\wavlFixDelete}{\hyperref[algorithm:wavl:fixDelete]{\texttt{fixDelete}}} \begin{document} \include{introduction} \include{self_balancing_search_trees} \include{rank_balanced_trees} \include{wavl_trees} \include{implementation} \include{visualization} \include{summary} \appendix %% Start the appendices. \chapter{An appendix} Here you can insert the appendices of your thesis. \end{document}