--- - name: Install zsh ansible.builtin.package: name: - zsh - autojump state: present become: true - name: Enable ‹eza› apt repository ansible.builtin.deb822_repository: name: eza types: deb uris: http://deb.gierens.de suites: stable components: - main signed_by: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eza-community/eza/main/deb.asc state: present become: true when: ansible_distribution in [ "Debian", "Ubuntu" ] - name: Install eza and bat ansible.builtin.package: name: - eza - bat state: present become: true - name: Install fzf for fuzzy finding ansible.builtin.package: name: fzf state: present become: true - name: Install zoxide for jumping around ansible.builtin.package: name: zoxide state: present become: true when: ansible_distribution not in [ "openSUSE Leap" ] # “yet another dialog” for the functions in zshrc - name: Install yad for prompts from shell ansible.builtin.package: name: yad state: present become: true when: 'ansible_distribution not in [ "AlmaLinux", "Rocky" ] and "openSUSE" not in ansible_distribution'