--- - name: Download the latest release ansible.builtin.unarchive: src: https://vault.bitwarden.com/download/?app=cli&platform=linux dest: ~/.local/bin/ remote_src: yes creates: ~/.local/bin/bw - name: Make it executable ansible.builtin.file: path: ~/.local/bin/bw mode: u+x - name: Run the CLI to create initial file ansible.builtin.command: # See https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/issues/6144 cmd: "~/.local/bin/bw --version" creates: ~/.config/Bitwarden CLI/data.json - name: Create data stores for specific deployments ansible.builtin.copy: src: ~/.config/Bitwarden CLI/data.json dest: ~/.config/Bitwarden CLI/{{ item }}.json mode: 0600 force: false remote_src: true loop: - vault.bitwarden.com - vault.mfocko.xyz - name: Symlink to the self-hosted deployment ansible.builtin.file: src: ~/.config/Bitwarden CLI/vault.mfocko.xyz.json path: ~/.config/Bitwarden CLI/data.json force: true state: link # - name: Switch the server on the self-hosted “login” # ansible.builtin.command: # cmd: bw config server https://vault.mfocko.xyz