# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:ft=conf:foldmethod=marker #: Fonts {{{ font_size 16.0 font_family Berkeley Mono Variable # font_family Cascadia Code PL SemiLight # bold_font Cascadia Code PL Regular # italic_font Cascadia Code PL SemiLight Italic # bold_italic_font Cascadia Code PL Regular Italic # font_family Comic Code Ligatures # font_family Commit Mono # font_family CozetteVector # doesn't work # font_family Fira Code # font_family Hack # font_family IBM Plex Mono # font_family Inconsolata # font_family Input Mono Narrow # font_family Iosevka Term # font_family Iosevka Term Slab # font_features Iosevka-Term +ss04 # font_features Iosevka-Term-Italic +ss04 # font_features Iosevka-Term-Bold +ss04 # font_features Iosevka-Term-Bold-Italic +ss04 # font_family Iosevka Comfy # font_family Iosevka Comfy Motion # font_family Iosevka Comfy Wide # font_family Iosevka Mornfall # font_family Pragmasevka # font_family JetBrains Mono # font_family Julia Mono # font_family Martian Mono Cn Lt # bold_font Martian Mono Cn Rg # font_family Monocraft Nerd Font # font_family MonoLisa Variable # bold_font MonoLisa Variable SemiBold # italic_font MonoLisa Variable Italic # bold_italic_font MonoLisa Variable SemiBold Italic # font_features MonoLisaVariable-Regular +ss02 +ss03 +ss17 +ss18 # font_features MonoLisaVariableRegular_600wght +ss02 +ss03 +ss17 +ss18 # font_features MonoLisaVariable-Italic +ss02 +ss03 +ss17 +ss18 # font_features MonoLisaVariableItalic_600wght +ss02 +ss03 +ss17 +ss18 # font_family Pragmata Pro Mono Liga # font_features PragmataProMonoLiga-Regular # font_features PragmataProMonoLiga-Bold # font_features PragmataProMonoLiga-Italic +ss09 # font_features PragmataProMonoLiga-BoldItalic +ss10 # ss06, ss07 - Script (Bold) # ss09, ss10 - Serif (Bold) # font_family Rec Mono Linear # font_family Roboto Mono # font_family SF Mono # font_family SourceCodeVF # font_family Sudo # font_size 19.0 # font_family Victor Mono # bold_font Victor Mono Bold # italic_font Victor Mono Oblique # bold_italic_font Victor Mono Bold Oblique #: }}} #: Color scheme {{{ # include colors/ayu_dark.conf # include colors/ayu_mirage.conf # include colors/breeze.conf # include colors/campbell.conf # include colors/codedark.conf # include colors/codelight.conf # include colors/convert.py # include colors/default.conf include Dracula.conf # include Gruvbox Dark Hard.conf # include colors/gruvbox_light.conf # include colors/kanagawa.conf # include colors/monokai/classic.conf # include colors/monokai/pro.conf # include colors/monokai/pro_filter_machine.conf # include colors/monokai/pro_filter_octagon.conf # include colors/monokai/pro_filter_ristretto.conf # include colors/monokai/pro_filter_spectrum.conf # include colors/night_owl.conf # include colors/nord.conf # include colors/ocean.conf # include colors/one_dark.conf # include OneDark-Pro.conf # include colors/onehalf_dark.conf # include colors/onehalf_light.conf # include colors/one_light.conf # include colors/outrun_electric.conf # include colors/oxocarbon_dark.conf # include colors/rainier.conf # include colors/rainier_retro.conf # include colors/rose-pine.conf # include colors/rose-pine-dawn.conf # include colors/rose-pine-moon.conf # include Solarized Dark.conf # include colors/solarized_light.conf # include Tokyo Night.conf # include colors/tokyo_night_storm.conf # include colors/tomorrow_day.conf # include colors/tomorrow_night_blue.conf # include colors/tomorrow_night_bright.conf # include colors/tomorrow_night.conf # include colors/tomorrow_night_eighties.conf #: }}} #: Cursor customization {{{ cursor_shape beam cursor_underline_thickness 2 #: }}} #: Terminal bell {{{ # enable_audio_bell yes #: }}} #: Window layout {{{ remember_window_size no initial_window_width 1600 initial_window_height 900 # window_padding_width 4 #: The window padding (in pts) (blank area between the text and the #: window border). A single value sets all four sides. Two values set #: the vertical and horizontal sides. Three values set top, horizontal #: and bottom. Four values set top, right, bottom and left. placement_strategy center #: When the window size is not an exact multiple of the cell size, the #: cell area of the terminal window will have some extra padding on #: the sides. You can control how that padding is distributed with #: this option. Using a value of center means the cell area will be #: placed centrally. A value of top-left means the padding will be on #: only the bottom and right edges. hide_window_decorations yes #: Hide the window decorations (title-bar and window borders) with #: yes. On macOS, titlebar-only can be used to only hide the titlebar. #: Whether this works and exactly what effect it has depends on the #: window manager/operating system. Note that the effects of changing #: this setting when reloading config are undefined. #: }}} #: Keyboard shortcuts {{{ #: Font sizes {{{ map kitty_mod+equal change_font_size all +2.0 map kitty_mod+minus change_font_size all -2.0 map kitty_mod+backspace change_font_size all 0 map kitty_mod+f12 change_font_size all 24.0 #: }}} #: Miscellaneous {{{ map f11 toggle_fullscreen map ctrl+shift+k clear_terminal scrollback active #: }}} #: }}}