image: node:current-alpine3.15 cache: key: files: - yarn.lock paths: - .yarn-cache/ before_script: - echo 'yarn-offline-mirror ".yarn-cache/"' >> .yarnrc - echo 'yarn-offline-mirror-pruning true' >> .yarnrc - yarn install --frozen-lockfile --no-progress - apk update && apk add make graphviz zip pages: script: - make assets - make build-poincare artifacts: paths: - public rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH # .build: # before_script: # # Handle the Yarn # - echo 'yarn-offline-mirror ".yarn-cache/"' >> .yarnrc # - echo 'yarn-offline-mirror-pruning true' >> .yarnrc # - yarn install --frozen-lockfile --no-progress # # Install the dependencies for alpine # - apk update && apk add make graphviz zip # .deploy: # before_script: # # Install the dependencies for alpine # - apk update && apk add make openssh rsync # # Prepare environment for SSH # - mkdir -p ~/.ssh # - ln -s $SSH_CONFIG ~/.ssh/config # - ln -s $SSH_KEY ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 # - ln -s $SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS ~/.ssh/known_hosts # - chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 ~/.ssh/known_hosts # default: # image: node:current-alpine3.15 # cache: # key: # files: # - yarn.lock # paths: # - .yarn-cache/ # stages: # - build # - deploy # build:poincare: # stage: build # extends: .build # script: # # Regenerate the static files # - make regenerate-dots # - make regenerate-zips # - URL="" BASE_URL="/" yarn run build # artifacts: # paths: # - "build/" # build:aisa: # stage: build # extends: .build # script: # # Regenerate the static files # - make regenerate-dots # - make regenerate-zips # - URL="" BASE_URL="~xfocko/kb/" yarn run build # artifacts: # paths: # - "build/" # deploy:poincare: # stage: deploy # needs: [build:poincare] # extends: .deploy # script: # - rsync -avzrlpptv --delete build/ poincare:~/public_html/blog/ # artifacts: # paths: # - "build/" # only: # - main # deploy:aisa: # stage: deploy # needs: [build:aisa] # extends: .deploy # script: # - rsync -avzrlpptv --delete build/ aisa:~/public_html/kb/ # artifacts: # paths: # - "build/" # only: # - main