OUTPUT_DIR=public # Development dev: assets URL=http://localhost BASE_URL=/ yarn run start --no-open # Build the webpage build-aisa: assets URL="https://fi.muni.cz" BASE_URL="~xfocko/kb/" yarn run build --out-dir $(OUTPUT_DIR) build-poincare: assets URL="https://blog.mfocko.xyz" BASE_URL="/" yarn run build --out-dir $(OUTPUT_DIR) # Upload the built webpage deploy-aisa: build-aisa rsync -avzrlpptv --delete $(OUTPUT_DIR)/ aisa:~/public_html/kb/ deploy-poincare: build-poincare rsync -avzrlpptv --delete $(OUTPUT_DIR)/ poincare:~/public_html/blog/ # Build assets that are generated from the git, but not version-controlled assets: regenerate-dots regenerate-zips # Regenerates dotfiles that are rendered to SVG regenerate-dots: sh regenerate-dots.sh # Regenerates ZIP files with static content, e.g. source files regenerate-zips: sh regenerate-zips.sh # Deploys deploy: deploy-aisa deploy-poincare .PHONY: dev deploy-aisa deploy-poincare assets regenerate-dots regenerate-zips