--- id: seminar-03 title: 3rd seminar description: | Select sort implementation on arrays. --- This assignment has two versions. For the light version you can get 0.5 K₡. For the _full fat_ one 1 K₡. **You can choose only one of them**. To both of them you are given some basic tests. You can also have a look at the code used by the tests and use it to your advantage. Details can be found in the doxygen comments included in the source files. ## Light version (`main_light.c`) [Source](pathname:///files/pb071/bonuses/03/main_light.c) For the light version you have 3 functions to finish: 1. `swap` - that swaps two ints passed by pointers. 2. `maximum` - that returns index of the biggest `int` in the array. 3. `select_sort` - that sorts passed array using Select Sort. ## Full fat version (`main.c`) [Source](pathname:///files/pb071/bonuses/03/main.c) For the full fat version you have 4 functions to implement: 1. `swap` - that swaps two variables passed by pointers. 2. `maximum` - that returns index of the biggest element in the array using the comparator. 3. `select_sort` - that sorts passed array using Select Sort. 4. `int_comparator` - that is used for generic sort and maximum To 2nd and 3rd function you are given a pseudocode that you can use to implement it. ## Submitting Ideally submit the assignment through the merge request. Step-by-step tutorial is present [here](../mr). For setting assignee my xlogin is `xfocko`. In case you do not want to experiment on GitLab, send me the source code via email, but please prefix subject with: `[PB071/14][seminar-03]` Deadline for the submission of the bonus is **March 27th 24:00**.