#include <stdbool.h> #define WORDLIST_FILENAME "words.txt" /** * Function detects, whether player guessed the secret word * Based on the letters player used for guessing, this function detects, * if it is possible to construct (and guess) the secret word from this set. * If it is possible, function returns true. If not, returns false. * @param secret the secret word lowercase * @param letters_guessed the lowercase letters player already used in his guessing * @return true, if word is guess; false otherwise. */ bool word_guessed(const char secret[], const char letters_guessed[]); /** * Function returns string representing the guessed word * This string contains visible letters, which were guessed successfuly * by player at their correct positions. If there are still some hidden * letters, the character '_' will be used for their representation. * @param secret the secret word lowercase * @param letters_guessed the lowercase letters player already used in his guessing * @param guessed_word the constructed string as result of this function (output parameter) */ void censor_word(const char secret[], const char letters_guessed[], char guessed_word[]); /** * Returns all letters, which were not used for guessing * Function returns set of lowercase letters sorted in alphabetical order. This * set will contain all letters from the alphabet, but it ommits those, which * were already guessed. * @param letters_guessed the lowercase letters player already used in his guessing * @param available_letters set of lowercase not yet used letters */ void get_available_letters(const char letters_guessed[], char available_letters[]); /** * Starts interactive hangman game * * @param secret the secret word lowercase */ void hangman(const char secret[]); /** * Returns the random word * Function opens the file with all the words and reads randomly one of them * into the buffer pointed by secret. Word consists of lowercase letters. * If there is some error with reading the file, 1 is returned. * Don't forget to initialize the random numbers in your main() function will srand() call! * Otherwise (everything is ok), 0 is returned. * @param wordlist path to the file with words * @param secret buffer, where random word will be read * @return status code */ int get_word(const char *wordlist, char secret[]);