class Solution { private data class Item(val price: Int, val beauty: Int) fun maximumBeauty( items: Array, queries: IntArray, ): IntArray { // Sort items by the price val items = { Item(it[0], it[1]) }.toMutableList() items.sortBy { it.price } val maxBeautyTillNow = items.scan(0) { runningMax, it -> listOf(runningMax, } // Sort queries by the price val sortedQueries = queries.withIndex().toMutableList() sortedQueries.sortBy { it.value } var i = 0 return { query -> while (i < items.size && items[i].price <= query.value) { i += 1 } IndexedValue(query.index, maxBeautyTillNow[i]) }.sortedBy { query -> query.index }.map { query -> query.value }.toIntArray() } }