fun <A, B> product( xs: Sequence<A>, ys: Sequence<B>, ): Sequence<Pair<A, B>> = xs.flatMap { x -> { y -> x to y } } fun <A, B> product( xs: Iterable<A>, ys: Iterable<B>, ): Sequence<Pair<A, B>> = product(xs.asSequence(), ys.asSequence()) class Solution { fun runBFS( grid: Array<IntArray>, coords: Pair<Int, Int>, ): Int { val queue = ArrayDeque<Pair<Int, Int>>() queue.addLast(coords) var size = 0 while (!queue.isEmpty()) { val (y, x) = queue.removeFirst() if (grid[y][x] != 1) { continue } for ((dy, dx) in sequenceOf(0 to 1, 1 to 0, 0 to -1, -1 to 0)) { if (!(y + dy in grid.indices) || !(x + dx in grid[y + dy].indices)) { continue } else if (grid[y + dy][x + dx] != 1) { continue } queue.addLast(y + dy to x + dx) } // mark it as done grid[y][x] = 0 size++ } return size } fun maxAreaOfIsland(grid: Array<IntArray>): Int = product(grid.indices, grid.first().indices).map { runBFS(grid, it) }.max() ?: 0 }