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class ListNode(var `val`: Int) {
var next: ListNode? = null
fun toListNode(vararg xs: Int): ListNode? {
if (xs.isEmpty()) {
return null
val dummy = ListNode(0)
var node = dummy
for (x in xs) {
val next = ListNode(x)
node.next = next
node = next
return dummy.next
fun linkedListEquals(
head: ListNode?,
xs: List<Int>,
): Boolean {
var node = head
for ((i, x) in xs.withIndex()) {
if (node == null) {
println("[DEBUG] $x is expected at index $i in the linked list, but is not present")
return false
} else if (node.`val` != x) {
println("[DEBUG] $x is expected at index $i in the linked list, but ${node.`val`} is present")
return false
node = node.next
if (node != null) {
println("[DEBUG] Linked list is longer than expected")
return node == null
class Solution {
fun doubleIt(head: ListNode?): ListNode? {
val dummyHead = ListNode(0)
dummyHead.next = head
val (newHead, carry) = doubleItRec(dummyHead)
if (newHead!!.`val` > 0) {
return newHead
return newHead.next
private fun doubleItRec(node: ListNode?): Pair<ListNode?, Int> {
if (node == null) {
return null to 0
val (nextHead, carry) = doubleItRec(node.next)
val current = carry + 2 * node.`val`
val newNode = ListNode(current % 10)
newNode.next = nextHead
return newNode to current / 10
fun main() {
val s = Solution()
check(linkedListEquals(s.doubleIt(toListNode(1, 8, 9)), listOf(3, 7, 8)))
check(linkedListEquals(s.doubleIt(toListNode(9, 9, 9)), listOf(1, 9, 9, 8)))
check(linkedListEquals(s.doubleIt(toListNode(0)), listOf(0)))