[tool.commitizen] name = "cz_customize" tag_format = "$version" version_scheme = "semver" version = "0.0.1" update_changelog_on_bump = true major_version_zero = true [tool.commitizen.customize] message_template = """\ {{ change_type }}{% if scope %}({{ scope }}){% endif %}: {{ subject }}\ {% if body %}{{ body }}{% endif %} """ example = "day(01): solve part 1" schema = "‹type›‹optional scope, e.g., day›: ‹message›\n\n‹body›" schema_pattern = """\ (?s)\ (chore|ci|day|fix|feat|docs)\ (\\(\\S+\\))?!?:\ ( [^\\n\\r]+)\ ((\\n\\n.*)|(\\s*))?$\ """ [[tool.commitizen.customize.questions]] name = "change_type" message = "Select the type of change you are commiting" type = "list" choices = ["day", "feat", "fix", "docs", "chore", "ci"] [[tool.commitizen.customize.questions]] name = "scope" message = "What is the scope of this change, e.g., day or part of the utils?" type = "input" [[tool.commitizen.customize.questions]] name = "subject" message = """\ Write a short and imperative summary of the code changes\ (lower case and no period):\ """ type = "input" [[tool.commitizen.customize.questions]] name = "body" message = """\ Provide additional contextual information about the code changes\ (press [enter] to skip): """ type = "input"